2021 Wage Increase Announced Despite Struggling Economy
Even though many South African Employers are still reporting huge losses, had to retrench employees, or completely closed their doors...

Online Marketing for Small Businesses
It can seem overwhelming to try to put an online marketing campaign into effect when you think of all the different pieces. That’s why there

Does Your Business Have a Vibe?
A few days ago, I made a visit to my dermatologist for a checkup and as soon as I entered the office, I could feel a “vibe.” The office...

Are You Willing to Risk Big to Build Your Business?
| Submitted On June 01, 2016 We hire coaches and mentors for a reason; to stretch us, take us where we have yet to go and remind us of...

5 Roadblocks To Success
1. Not Having A Daily Productivity Goal Every morning ask yourself what you are going to do today that will drive your business forward....

The WORST Habit for Women (& how to break it!)
In my work with women, one bad habit that I see creeping into their daily lives is Procrastination. This one bad habit can create a...